Monday, December 21, 2009

Crystal Reports 2008 Upgrade to SP1 error - Fixed!

For work I use Crystal Reports, a lot. Recently, I was able to get a new laptop, and of course, reformatted and put Windows 7 on it (which I LOVE, but that's for another blog entry). In doing so, I also upgraded from Crystal Reports XI to Crystal Reports 2008. Of course, by this time, SAP has released a number of service packs, and I had to get SP0, SP1, and SP2. So I'm humming along, installing everything, when I see the following message: "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'CrystalReports.msi' in the box below."

Wait. What? You gave me a pre-packaged install file that is supposed to unpack everything I need. Only it didn't. And I don't have the CrystalReports.msi installed anywhere. Ugg. Now what?

I couldn't find it to download, I couldn't find it on my computer, I couldn't find it in the install package.

What I ended up having to do is reinstall Crystal. Completely. But, when I got to the screen asking if I wanted the typical or custom install, I didn't click next. Instead, I went to the temp directory it unpacked to (as you can see above - it's C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\) and sure enough, there's a RarSFX1 folder there, which gets deleted upon install. I copied that folder to my desktop and proceeded through the install.

Then, when I got back to that error message, I simply pointed it to my desktop, which had the RarSFX1 folder (with the CrystalReports.msi inside) and it took it and let me install the rest of the way.

What a mess. SAP really needs to fix this issue, but even though I'm not the only one with the issue, they've not posted any fixes or instructions. Needless to say, this RarSFX1 folder is getting zipped and saved on my hard drive (as well as backed up offsite) in case I need it in the future.


cj said...

Thank you so much, this was driving me nuts!

Anonymous said...

And they dare to mark the thread as ANSWERED in their forum, although no one from SAP was able to give us an answer ! Oh, right, pay their "support" to install their application ! OMG. So unprofessional...

Roseanne said...

Thanks SO much for this, I was going out of my mind trying to fix this!

Scott said...

I have never had much luck with support from the previous firm that owned Crystal Reports. I had hopes it would get better with SAP, but it's worse, much worse. To install SP2 I have to install SP1. Why don't they make it easy on the users make SP's cummulative, and give us a SP that installs without jumping through hoop's. Thanks for the work around.

Anonymous said...

I ran the original install again and did a "repair". Then I searched my hard drive for crystalreports.msi (making sure to check search in hidden folders) and found it here:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\RarSFX0\package
copy/pasted that path into the dialogue box and it continued successfully

Jeffrey Lyon said...

Thanks for this information... I could not figure out what was going on. Now everything is upgrading successfully.

Unknown said...

Well good that you put this blog cause i wounderd what was in the head of BO when they posted that service pack without crystal***.msi.When following you blog i was using my first crystal release not the SP0 so i was having problems. Again i was woundering wat was in your But later i extracted the and i found tha said file and browse to it....wala like magic..Any wayz who makes services packs that are not comprehensive..Ans BO ohh now SAP

Rod said...


Thank you for sharing this information.

Best regards,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Matt for sharing this.

Unknown said...

Thanks for help with Crystal Report's trouble!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this!

FYI, the RarSFX0 file is created during the install of Service Pack 0.

(this may be irrelevant if SP0 is rolled into your base installation)

jabrwok said...

Is there some way to get the CrystalReports.msi file *without* re-installing CRXI? I'd have to go through my IT department to get it re-installed, and I'm tired of dealing with them. I get the "type an alternate path" message whenever I try to connect to Oracle, so I could presumably direct CR then.