Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting better battery life out of your HTC Evo

Yes, I am nerdy. And I'm okay with it. So, when I read the specs on the HTC Evo that was to be released on Sprint in June, I knew (since my contract was up) that I was going to preorder, and then upgrade.

I mean, let's be honest, these specs rock.
Display - 4.3" screen - 800 x 480 resolution
Processor - 1 GHz Snapdragon
Size - 4.8" tall, 2.6" wide, .5" thick
Weight - 6 oz
OS - Android 2.1
Storage - 8GB MicroSD included
Camera - 8MP in back, 1.3MP in front for video conf
Video Recording - 720p @ 25fps
GPS, Compass, accelerometer, ambient light sensor, proximity sensor

And it's worth every penny. I'm not naive though, and I'm not blind to its' shortcomings. That said, here are my issues with it:

- The screen size is gorgeous, but the resolution could be higher without losing much of anything.
- The screen is a fingerprint magnet. Thank heavens for Boxwave anti-fingerprint screen protectors. Check them out at here.
- Battery life. It's not nearly as bad as some reviews make it seem, and comparing it to the iPhone's battery life is downright stupid, considering that you can do true multitasking on the Evo. Of course the iPhone has better battery life, it allows one thing at a time. That's another rant.

That said, I have made a couple small tweaks and have been able to get much better battery life out of my phone. I mean consistently unplugging the phone around 7-8 AM, and not plugging it in until 10:30-11 PM and still having 40% battery life. And the best part is? I didn't stop using my phone at all. Some reviews I've read advocate that restricting phone use will save battery life. Duh. I didn't spend $200 on a paperweight. So, here are a few of the things I've done:

1. Turn off the GPS. It's on all the time, and it's a battery suck. Anything that needs the GPS (like Google Maps, for instance) can turn it on automatically anyway, so there's no reason to leave it on all the time. They have a bunch of widgets for these, so tap the + button and then go to Widget / Settings and find the one for the GPS. Then turn it off.

2. Turn off Wifi and 4G. Similar to above - especially if 4G isn't quite up or is spotty in your area. If you leave these on, they'll constantly be scanning for networks. For instance, I can get 4G at work, but not home. So the only time it's on is at work. There are widgets for these in the same place as the GPS one above.

3. Disable "Always On" mobile data. I have no idea what this does, but haven't noticed a single problem/issue with turning it off, and my battery savings jumped with this one. Go to Settings / Wireless & networks / Mobile networks. Tap "Enable always-on mobile data" to uncheck the box.

4. Turn off the background updates/sync. There are a lot of things that sync of update on a regular basis, like Gmail, Facebook, News, Weather, etc. You should either turn these off, or turn back the update time. For instance, I have News and Facebook set to not sync, weather is set to 3 hours, and Gmail is real-time (I like getting email as soon as it comes in). This is changed in Settings / Accounts & sync. Your accounts will be listed here. Tap the "Account Settings" box once in an account to change this.

5. Use an App Killer. This is a sensitive subject for a lot of people, as there are many in the Pro-AK camp and many in the Anti-AK camp. I think, if used wisely and correctly, AK's can work well. I use Advanced Task Killer, only have it set to auto kill the random Sprint Apps (like navigation, TV, stocks, etc) that I know for sure I don't want, and then only have it auto-kill when I turn off my screen. I would not recommend auto-killing any services or apps that you aren't sure about, as you can royally mess things up. For instance, when I had my HTC Hero, I unknowingly killed the SMS service, and it took me 2 days to wonder why I wasn't receiving any texts (and none were going out either).

6. Run an app like OverclockWidget. This one is complex, because it requires rooting your phone (another post in and of itself), but once done, this widget can actually slow down your processor to any speed when the screen is off. I have my 1GHz processor slowed down to 200MHz when my screen is off.

Additionally, there are some more obvious things like lowering your screen timeout, removing the sync-heavy widgets (like FriendStream) or other things like that, but those have all had a minimal battery impact. The ones above (for me) had by far the most impact.

Good luck!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's been awhile....

I realized the other day that's been 6 months since I updated this blog. That's shocking, to be honest. I've done a ton of blog-worthy stuff the last few months, but finding the time to do the blog-worthy activities and finding the time to blog about those blog-worthy activities are two very different things.

Here's a brief overview of the things I've done that are blog worthy these past 6 months (so expect blogs dealing with them at some point):

- Finished our basement (I did all the low-voltage wiring - gigabit network, in-wall surround speakers, in-wall HDMI, etc)

- Bought a WDTV Live HD, and hacked it with custom firmware (thanks B-Rad!)

- Found out 1.5 months after I bought the WDTV Live HD that WD released a new product called the WDTV Live HD Plus. Not only did this suck because the Plus product contained the firmware to stream Netflix (but not Hulu, so I don't feel too bad), but it obviously drove the price of my version down.

- Was pleasantly surprised at the response my last post about upgrading Crystal 2008 has received. I've literally gotten emails from all over and found my blog linked in a number of Crystal-related forums. Not surprised that I'm not the only one with those issues, just more surprised that even now, SAP has shown no desire to fix the issue. Odd, to say the least.

- Upgraded to an HTC Evo on Sprint. Love it. Absolutely love it. With a few tweaks and changes, I have great battery life on an amazing smartphone. Combine that with my plan pricing, and I'm in cell phone heaven for not a lot of dough. I'll do a post tomorrow about all the ways I've figured out to save some serious battery life and still use my phone as often as I'd like.

- Bought a 40GB Apple TV with the intent of hacking it with either Boxee or XBMC. The laziness in me took over, however, as I found a unit pre-hacked for a great price, and bought it instead. :)