So you've got a new Vista/Server 2008 (Server 2008 was the culprit in my case, but I've read of it happening on Vista as well...) install on your desktop, and you reinstall to finish some updates. As you're booting, you hear a beep, and see: "BOOTMGR is missing. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart." Crap. What now? The Windows repair disc doesn't fix it, and you're not sure what to do.
As best I can tell, Serv08 just got confused between my IDE and SATA drive, and even though it installed Server 2008 to my SATA drive, it dumped the boot files on the IDE drive. Why? I'm not sure.....but it did. Thus, the error.
Using the Repair Disc, I loaded into the Command Prompt, figuring that I'd need to copy files over. The problem is, what files should I move?
First, I needed to find out where everything was:
- c: to switch to the C drive.
- dir /a to view all the files. The "/a" switch is to show the hidden ones (the files you are looking for, listed below, are hidden).
- d: to switch to the D drive.
- dir /a to view all the files there.
What you're trying to find is your BOOT folder and the BOOTMGR, since this is what's missing. Then you also need to find the WINDOWS folder, since the BOOT and BOOTMGR need to be on that drive.
Once you know that, you need to copy them....
- c: to switch to the C drive, or wherever you determined the boot files to be.
- xcopy /h bootmgr d: to copy the BOOTMGR file to the D drive, or whichever drive you need to copy them too. The "/h" switch ensures that you'll include hidden files, which is important.
- robocopy c:\boot d:\boot /mir to copy the entire BOOT folder from the C drive to the D drive. The "/mir" grabs the entire directory and its' sub-folders and files, keeping the same file structure.
I found your blog through linkedin of all places. I am working on replacing my aging 08server box with a new low power, low heat box and was wondering if you knew of any good deals. I know you were looking at this stuff during class :) so I thought I might ask.
Speaking of class, has it sunk in yet that you are totally done with school?
You just saved me alot of time and effort!
I was ready to re-install Server 2008.
Thanks alot
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